
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

学生 must make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) towards earning a degree as stipulated in the 图表 below to receive financial aid at ISU.





  • SAP is evaluated annually after the spring semester following the student's first semester of enrollment as a regular degree-seeking student or at the point of awarding aid as a degree-seeking student. Some additional non-degree students may be calculated for SAP based upon funding or program rules.
  • The annual SAP evaluation will include all courses attempted and earned in prior Summer, 秋天, and Spring semesters and will be based on the degree and major being pursued.  
  • Quantitative (hours attempted and earned) and qualitative (cumulative GPA) SAP progress is measured.
  • 学生 must successfully complete a minimum of 67% of the courses attempted in order to complete their degree within the maximum time frame allowed.
  • Changes in a student's program of study (major) may alter the SAP evaluation, putting the student at risk of exceeding the maximum time frame.
  • 学生 who begin a subsequent degree (new undergraduate or new master's or doctoral) will be evaluated for the new degree and major being pursued.
    • 学生 may need to self-identify as beginning a new undergraduate degree in order to meet SAP standards for the first SAP evaluation upon beginning a new program.
  • 学生 meeting the standards listed above when calculated will be in 良好的信誉.
  • SAP悬挂 will be required for students who do not meet the requirements shown above. Eligibility for aid will be suspended.
  • 学生 who have already registered for classes will remain enrolled but will not receive financial aid.
  • Rules are applied uniformly to all students for all periods of enrollment whether or not aid has been received previously.
  • 学生 who meet the SAP minimum requirements but are academically dismissed from ISU will be placed on SAP悬挂.
  • Eligibility is reestablished:
    • after the student improves their academic record to meet the minimum standards or
    • after an appeal due to unusual and/or mitigating circumstances is approved
  • 学生 are held responsible for knowing SAP eligibility criteria and their status at the end of each semester. Please contact the Office of Student 金融援助 if questions arise.
  • If an appeal is approved, the student's academic progress will be monitored on a per-semester basis to ensure that the student is making strides toward meeting the SAP standards.


  • All courses taken at ISU and those taken elsewhere, recognized by the Office of Registration and Records, are counted as hours attempted regardless of grade assigned. This includes 不完整的s, failures, or withdrawals after the 7th day of each semester.
  • Only courses earning grades at ISU and those taken elsewhere recognized by the ISU Office of Registration and Records as acceptable for progressing toward degree completion will be counted as earned. (Example: A,A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, S, and P)
  • Courses shown as failed, 不完整的, 撤销, dropped or concluded with no grade submitted count as hours attempted and not earned. Additional courses with non-passing results are counted similarly.
  • 如果是一个等级, 除了不完整, is changed after the SAP evaluation, a new SAP evaluation will be performed.
  • All courses designated as repeated for grade improvement count as hours attempted, but only count once if passed as hours earned.
  • Courses attempted more than once, that are not designated as repeated for grade improvement, will be counted as both hours attempted and if passed as hours earned.
  • Audit and non-credit classes are ineligible for financial aid and do not count in SAP calculations.
  • The official institutional GPA determined by the ISU Office of Registration and Records is used for all qualitative measures.

Additional Earned Credits and Remedial Classes

  • Credit hours earned by testing or other non-standard means are counted in the SAP calculations as both hours attempted and earned. This includes hours earned from Credit by Exam, CLEP和CEEB测试, AP课程, Foreign Language Placement, 工作经历, and Military Experience Credit.
  • All credit hours attempted through 国际 Student Exchange Program (ISEP), 出国留学, the Indiana College Network (ICN) and through Consortium Agreements with other institutions count in both attempted and earned calculations.
  • Remedial classes count in both attempted and earned hours calculations even though credits may not apply toward completion of degree requirements. They may also impact GPA calculations.

Transfer 学生 or Former 学生

  • Transfer students will be considered for aid based on hours earned at the time of packaging.
  • Complete academic transcripts must be submitted to the Office of 招生 or the College of 研究生 and Professional Studies for any academic work attempted at other institutions. A standard SAP calculation including this work and ISU hours will be run at the next scheduled increment.
  • 学生 making SAP will have aid eligibility recalculated relative to their new grade level.
  • 学生 failing SAP will be placed on SAP悬挂 and lose eligibility for further aid. (见下文上诉部分).)
  • 学生 can request to have their transfer hours evaluated early in their first semester, but will be held accountable for the SAP calculation results immediately.
  • Returning students whose academic history would have justified SAP suspension or who were on appeal when they last attended will re-enter on SAP悬挂. (见下文上诉部分).)
  • Complete academic transcripts must be submitted to the Admission Office for any academic work attempted since the last ISU enrollment before the end of their first semester back. A standard SAP calculation including this work will be run at the next scheduled increment.


  • Federal regulations forbid eliminating hours included in an 学术复兴 from SAP calculations.  因此, quantitative and qualitative SAP calculations for these students will include their full academic history.
  • Courses shown in both academic history and also as 学术复兴 Transfer Hours will only be counted once.
  • Repeated courses in this category will all be treated as hours attempted and if passed as hours earned.

Appeals and Reinstatement

  • SAP悬挂 may be appealed if unusual and/or mitigating circumstances affected academic progress. Such circumstances may include a severe illness or injury to the student or an immediate family member, the death of a student's relative, student activation into military service, or other circumstances as deemed appropriate for consideration by the SAP Appeals Committee.
  • The student must submit a completed SAP上诉表格, which includes a written statement, to the Office of Student 金融援助 explaining in detail why they failed to meet the minimum academic standards, what unusual and/or mitigating circumstances caused the failure and how their situation has improved. Need help with your appeal? 访问 http://u7yh.geo-drillchina.com/financial-aid/sap-tips.
  • The student will receive an e-mail of the decision made by the Appeals Committee and they can also view the decision within the MyISU portal.
  • Any appeal approvals will give the student's Academic Plan, the conditions and timeframe for maintaining aid eligibility.
  • When an appeal is approved, aid is reinstated for one term only. A disbursement hold will be placed on all remaining terms in the academic year, pending 呼吁重新评估 results. 
  • All decisions of the SAP Appeals Committee are final.
  • 学生 who raise their cumulative standards to equal or exceeding the minimum requirements will be reinstated to 良好的信誉 from that point forward.
  • SAP appeals must be submitted 14 days prior to the end of the current semester.


  • 学生 with an approved SAP appeal will be reevaluated at the end of the semester to ensure they meet their individual Academic Plans.
  • 学生 who meet their Academic Plans will be approved for continued eligibility.
  • 学生 who do not meet the terms of their individual Academic Plans will be suspended for future aid. 
  • 学生 who are suspended for not meeting their Academic Plans will be allowed to file a SAP Appeal.





220 North Seventh Street
Indiana State University



8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:00 p.m.